Season 2

Season 2 Episode 03

Mel's full of Shit, Literally


News Flash! A dump truck slammed into Mel and she had to have Hip Surgery! Join in to hear all of the details of this painful, gassy and hilarious tale. Mel shares her tips and tricks and throws her bf under the bus! Plus special guest Mama B pops in for a quick hello on the "buttcast".

The following is designed to entertain and inform. You should consult your doctor when it comes to your personal health, or before you start any treatment.

Season 2 Episode 02

Stage 4 Cancer SURVIVOR - Tag You're It!


You think Kel's got a lot to say....listen to her mom Donna's crazy Stage 4 Cancer SURVIVAL story. From RV trips to Minnesota to FIVE Enemas a DAY and dog dewormer cocktails she took control and proved cancer can be healed naturally.

The following is designed to entertain and inform. You should consult your doctor when it comes to your personal health, or before you start any treatment.

Season 2 Episode 01

We're Back!!!


After a HARD stop including two moves and a HUGE loss, Kel and Mel are back to fill you in on what's been going on and what's to come in this new season. Hang on tight for another wild ride.

The following is designed to entertain and inform. You should consult your doctor when it comes to your personal health, or before you start any treatment.

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